At our core is well being. When all the inaccurate thoughts have lost their power through being accepted but not acted upon, what’s left is a profound and unshakable experience of well-being. When I experience this state of being, I sometimes find myself saying, “Everything is all right, always has been, always will be and could never be otherwise”. I don’t have to create that experience of well being. It exists within me and every else as well.
There are a great many ways to experience well-being. One thing they all have in common is being focused on the present moment. When we’re focused on the “here and now” we find the peace, wisdom, joy and spontaneity that are all part of well-being.
With all the challenges and conflicts of daily life, I know the more aware I can be of my inner well-being, the better I’ll meet and resolve the challenges and conflicts of daily life. The energy and wisdom spontaneously available to me when I experience well being results in optimal speech and behavior, efficiently rising to the challenges of life.